Category Archives: Uncategorized

Because You Can’t Have Enough Bloggy Snark on Torch Day: The Alliance Flag from Firefly

Maybe the pro-China protestors should have busted out some of these Alliance flags from “Firefly” to really mess with people’s heads.
Or something.
Be safe out there and enjoy all the bloggy goodness today!

Paul Waldman Says What I Wanted to Say, but WAY Smarter – aka Why Those Protests On the 19th Are A Waste of Time

So there I was, all ready to post some little blog post on why the big, noisy, disruptive protest-fest tomorrow is a big, pointless pain in the ass for those of us who have to work tomorrow, when I happened upon an article by Paul Waldman over at the American Prospect.
Go read it. Now. No, really, go now. Read it. Basically, he says what I was going to say, but better.
He’s also written some pretty great books, including Being Right Is Not Enough: What Progressives Must Learn from Conservative Success, Fraud: The Strategy Behind the Bush Lies and Why the Media Didn’t Tell You, and Free Ride: John McCain and the Media.
Basically, if I’d spent a little less time working on stupid politicians’ campaigns in my younger days, and a little more time doing something constructive, I’d be doing something similar. Career cautionary tale to the Youth of America: don’t work on political campaigns. It really isn’t as smart a move as you might think.

Credit Where Credit Is Due: The Chronicle’s New Web Design Looks Pretty Good…

Time to give a little credit where credit is due….The SF Chronicle’s website got an extreme makeover, and the difference between the new look and the aging site of old is pretty amazing.
For one thing, it’s easier to see at a glance what is in the paper and the website, but more importantly, the drab, late-90s color scheme and cramped layout are gone. Plus, it’s a lot easier to navigate.
So kudos to the Chronicle for their work!

How Cool Is This? Mr. Tarantino Pimps Dewar’s…

Our Hero, Mr. Tarantino, pimpin’ for the family brand.

Just don’t tell Hillary I said “pimpin'” she might get upset and get Bill to call my publisher or something.

Carry on…

Ed Jew for Congress? Hey At Least He’s In The District!

Within hours of the announcement that 14-term Congressman Tom Lantos will be retiring due to health reasons, the latest in the “Who will run” rumor mill has been an odd name – Supervisor Ed Jew!
Which, when you think about it makes sense – after all as a resident (sometimes) of Burlingame, he would be living in the district, and not have to commute up to SF, aside from court appearances. A pity he has all those state and federal court cases. Otherwise he might have been able to use that tapioca money for a run in a crowded field of San Francisco and San Mateo wannabes.
Stay tuned….the June Primary promises to provide endless hours of bitterness, recriminations, and fun!

Advances in Technology…The USB Humping Dog!

Decades of scientific advancement, advances in computer technology, and the miracle of USB ports all combined to give us…the USB Humping Dog!

Best of all you can choose which color you like. Once again, all those old gag gifts can be recycled for the 21st century, just like all those bad jokes people used to copy and fax from office to office can be transmitted instantly via the Interwebs at the speed of life.

O Brave New World, indeed! 🙂

More Fun with Ron Paul: RP08 Fans in the “Fansub” Community Once Again Put SF “Progressives” To Shame

Give credit where credit is due – the Ron Paul supporters once again show what self-starters they are in this screenshot. For the uninitiated, this a screenshot from Tokyo Toshokan, a directory of websites offering bittorrent files for “fansubs” (Japanese television programs and other media not yet licensed into the US market).

Here, someone has posted a number of files and changed the “Fansub” group name to “RonPaul2008” so anyone searching for this particular program (a show on Japanese television called Dennou Coil, which is actually quite good) will see a short message on behalf of Dr. Paul’s candidacy.

Once again, the self reliance and self-starting creativity of Ron Paul supporters shows up, shaming San Francisco’s “progressives” for their total lack of ability to organize this past year in the Mayoral race, etc.

You’d think that in such an allegedly liberal town, the many, many gossipers, staffers, self-proclaimed Important Progressives, and others would self-start in the way the Paul supporters do, but I guess it’s much easier to sit around and complain about Gavin and Nancy and waste time on nonsense than it is to do something.

Battlestar Galactica Meets The Office – How Did I Miss This?

How did I miss this? The two great shows that show great together!

Also, I’m experimenting with a few things at the Adama for President blog/website….if anyone has suggestions for the site, please share! I think it could be a lot of fun to use as a satirical site for the upcoming Presidential nonsense. And for the graphically inclined, please email me if you have an idea for other “spoof” presidential logos….

The Simpsons Tonight: Amazing Genius Or What?

Just when you think perhaps The Simpsons has done every joke possible, they come up with an episode like tonights….with Dan Clowes, Art Spiegelman, and Alan Moore as guest voices, and such jokes as “Mr. Moore, will you sign my copy of ‘Watchmen Babies?'” and that whole Tintin thing, well!
And the fact that the “new” comic store was a spitting image of Meltdown Comics in LA? Priceless. Thank you, Simpsons writers!
Let’s see the producers try and write such comedy….

Today’s NSFW Stupid Joke About The Castro Non-Halloween Parties…

Well, it should be interesting to see what happens tomorrow night. I for one will be safely out of town so I shall miss the fun of live-blogging the inevitable clash of suburbanites, cops, and whatnots that didn’t get the memo on the non-Halloween this year.

And where better than the Uranus and 17th Street which does have one amazing view of the City….and the Castro.

Yes this is a lame stupid joke but I couldn’t resist…enjoy…